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Posted February 16, 2022 in Breast Augmentation

Will People Be Able to Tell I Had a Breast Augmentation?

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Women who choose to get their breasts augmented usually fall into two categories. The first group does not care if anyone knows they have implants. In fact, they want to flaunt them in bikinis and low-cut tops. The second group wishes to be more discreet, and they often do not want anyone to know their full cleavage has had a bit of help.

Woman holding a silicone implant in hand with another implant placed in her bra.

Fortunately, a breast augmentation surgery is tailored to the patient to fit their desired aesthetic — whatever that means to them. This means that a breast augmentation can be noticeable or discreet. 

All implant specifications, from size to shape to placement, are customized to the patient, allowing for the exact look the patient wants.

Breast Augmentation for Noticeable Enhancement

Women looking for a noticeable increase in fullness and shape can achieve that with breast implants. This ultra-curvy look is very popular and desired, especially in Miami.

Breast implants are offered in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some provide an equal amount of fullness on the upper and lower poles of the breasts; others provide more fullness to the lower pole. The size and shape of the implant chosen will contribute to how your breasts feel and how “natural” they look.

Breast Augmentation for Subtle, Natural Enhancement

Many people with breast implants go through their entire lives without ever telling anyone about it. 

Some women do not want to have their breast augmentation surgery be the subject of gossip, and for many patients, that’s an essential factor in deciding how their breasts should look after implants.

Women interested in this type of breast enhancement surgery often choose smaller implants. While their breast fullness will still be increased, it will not be as noticeable.

Dr. Hochstein is committed to achieving optimal results while delivering the exact look you desire. He uses his experience and skill to craft an individualized approach, and his goal is for every patient to walk out of his office feeling better than they did when they walked in.

What Happens During a Breast Augmentation Procedure?

During the procedure, an incision is placed under the areola (periareolar).

The implant is inserted through this incision and positioned within the created breast pocket, and then the incision will be closed with stitches or surgical glue. 

A surgical bra will be placed over the breasts to assist with healing. After surgery, patients can expect some bruising and swelling. While the majority of the swelling should subside within a few weeks, lingering swelling can last up to six months. It is at that point that the results are considered to be finalized.

Which Other Procedures Can I Add for a More Natural Look?

Sometimes, women who’ve lost considerable amounts of weight require a breast lift with their implants to achieve the best quality results. A breast lift addresses breast sagging and restores youthful perkiness.

Do Breast Implants Need to be Replaced?

All women who receive breast implants should understand that they will likely not last a lifetime, although their lifespan is indefinite.

Most women are given an estimate of 10 to 20 years; however, every woman is different. Some women need to replace their implants before then, while others maintain healthy implants for longer.   

Your surgeon will discuss how long you can expect your implants to last and what signs to look out for that indicate they are failing.

Visit our breast augmentation before and after gallery to see how breast implants can transform your appearance.

Interested in a Breast Augmentation in Miami, FL?

If you’re looking for a natural-looking breast enhancement that’s less likely to be noticed by others, Dr. Hochstein will discuss silicone gel implants, saline implants, and other options with you. We offer customized consultations, surgical planning, and personal follow-up care.

Call us today at (305) 931-3338 or fill out our online form to schedule a breast augmentation consultation today.