What Options Do I Have to Enhance Facial Symmetry?

3 Minute Read: Facial symmetry is a specific measure of bodily symmetry that influences judgment on how we perceive beauty. For many people, faces that are deemed to be attractive tend to be symmetrical (balanced and even). Research has also shown that increasing facial symmetry increases ratings of attractiveness for both males and females. What […]
Preparing for an Eyelid Surgery? Learn 5 Tips to Aid in Your Blepharoplasty Recovery

2 Minute Read: An eyelid surgery, also known as a blepharoplasty, can produce some pretty dramatic results. Patients are excited about these results and want to show them off as soon as possible. Luckily, you can take a few easy steps you can take to aid in a speedy blepharoplasty recovery. What Is an Eyelid […]
Looking to Amp Up Your Video Conferencing Look? See Which Facial Procedures Are Best

2 Minute Read: Zoom and other video conferencing meeting apps have changed the way people are working, allowing life and productivity to proceed virtually. Many people are spending long hours staring at their faces during video calls—a dynamic that has made them confront their own reflections and become more aware of their appearances. Many people […]