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Posted February 22, 2012 in Beauty Tips, Home

Don’t Let Jowls Drag You Down

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Around your 40s, you may start to notice the development of one of the most dreaded signs of aging: jowls. That sagging skin that begins to form along your jawline is caused by a loss of facial volume. If you have a fuller face, it may take longer for jowls to appear, but if you have a thin face, they may show earlier.

Luckily, there are a number of ways to slow the progression of jowls before they drag you too far down.

Fillers: Your plastic surgeon may opt to use a filler to build your cheeks back up, which may affect the look of your jawline, too. The key, experts say, is for the filler to be injected deeply, rather than superficially. Boosting the cheeks with fillers like Radiesse, or Juvéderm may help create a more balanced, youthful face.

Mini facelift: You can have a partial facelift surgery to simply address the sagging skin in your lower face. Like a traditional facelift, the muscles will be tightened, yet you’ll have less of a scar. A mini facelift can not only erase the early signs of jowls, but can keep you looking younger for longer. If you need another facelift later (your first may last eight to 12 years), your plastic surgeon will likely only have to remove saggy skin and won’t have to alter your muscles again.