How Beach Bodies are Made In the Winter

Do you dream about having the perfect body for swimsuit season? Many people start thinking about improving their body as summer nears, but in reality the best time to prepare is during the winter. Preparing in the winter gives you time to recover before summer arrives. The recipe for success often includes a combination of […]
Real Patient Story: Liposuction

Liposuction is a type of cosmetic surgery that can help you achieve the body appearance you desire. Excess fatdeposits are suctioned out in places that are hard to eliminate through diet and exercise alone. As someone who works in the medical field and knows the importance of proper self-care, this patient was working out and […]
Do I Need a Tummy Tuck After My Weight Loss?

The journey to losing weight can often feel tedious and frustrating, and at the end, you want to have a body you are comfortable with and proud of. But for many men and women, excess skin that results from weight loss prevents them from having the body contour they desire. Genetics plays a significant role […]